Saturday, December 2, 2006

Costa Rica 4

Hello everyone, I hope you all had a nice Thanksgiving. I had camp duty that day so I made us a traditional as possible in Caño Palma Thanksgiving meal. Well quite a bit has happened since I last wrote. I have been on several jag cam walks, this is where we check the cameras we have put up and move some to different locations.

Well.. on my walk last week we saw a JAG!!!!! This is huge! There has only been one other jag sighting in the history of us walking this beach and ours was much better. We were walking south to mile 14 1/2 to check the camera there and James spots a jag just laying on the beach facing south. So we all dive into a turtle body pit (they create this when they are making a nest, it can be a big hole on the beach) and watch him. He is just looking the other way and flicking his tail. Then he casually looks over his shoulder and spots us, so he gets up and turns to face us. He just stands there looking at us for about 2 minutes solid and then turns south and walks away and back into the jungle. We are so jazzed at this point we jump around doing the I saw a jag dance. :-)

So after we calm down we go back to work looking for the camera. We are traipsing around in the jungle searching for the camera, then back out onto the beach and low a behold he comes back out onto the beach again!!!! Unfortunately he spotted us straight away and went back into the jungle. WOW not once but twice that day we got to see a jag!!! Well I have to say that was quite a rush.

This is our last long weekend away from Caño Palma so we went to Turrialba which is located in the central valley. For those of you at home pull out your Costa Rican map and you shall see where I am. 7 of us chose to come here and we arrived yesterday. Today we had the most amazing adventure, we went white water rafting!!! There were 5 class four rapids and 12 class 3. This trip was about 4 hours on the river in the most amazing setting. I was on the front left side of the raft so all the water and rapids were quite up front and personal. I will send you all pictures.

This was such a fun trip I can only liken it to riding up front on a roller caster as for the rush you get hitting these huge rapids. I think this is by far the best adventure, I highly recommend it. It did not hurt that it has been raining every day for a couple of weeks so the river was high and the rapids extra big. It rained pretty much our whole trip but for the first time we all did not mind getting rained on while out on the water.

We had fun joking about doing a bird survey while battling the rapids. As we went along we all discussed the birds we saw along the way. Quite pathetic I know. :-) I only have two more weeks in this beautiful place, I must say I have really grown to love Costa Rica very much. I will definitely return some day. I hope you all are well and gearing up for the Christmas Holiday. I will be back in the states before you know it. Big hugs and kisses to Emily, Hayden, William, and Olivia. Pictures are here

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